
I'm a One Night Stand!

Twice I've taken the damn "Gender Test" The first time, I heard about it from a mailing list for fans of romance author Jennifer Crusie. That was about six months ago.

This time, the link was referred to the Data Mining course that I was taking as an example of a classification problem. Both times I took the test, it determined "with 100% certainty" that I am a woman. Woo hoo. The test claims to be learning, but not, apparently very well.

If there's any consolation, they graphically represent your position in a map of datapoints, though I think the graph is suspect. Any way, I'm not dead center in a sea of pink, just floating in some weird border space. How "comforting." Maybe I should lay off the Jenny Crusie. And her with a new book coming out in a couple of weeks.

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